
In a period of post industrialization across the world and the arrival of open borders, free trade and the internet – our world has never been more connected than it is today.

A company’s ability to transact business to all corners of the globe is now upon us. At Brightview we have fully embraced this new world through our vast logistical import and export operations.

In any one week Brightview can be receiving fabrics from Europe or other countries throughout Asia into China and Bangladesh for garment manufacturing or exporting garments from China and Bangladesh to countries including Australia, Canada, Germany, United States, New Zealand and Japan.

Through its silk material division Brightview also exports silk and silk made products to Japan and other popular markets.

For many this global interconnectedness can be quite difficult to navigate with the many aspects involved in each transaction. At Brightview we have developed the skills and infrastructure to ensure a seamless operating process no matter where in the world our business is being conducted.